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news | by Edward Hugh | March 26, 2004 at 05:56 AM | comments (2) | trackback (0)

Just to say a quick hi to everyone, offer a couple of apologies, and bring you a bit of interesting news.

Firstly an apology for something you must have already noticed: the aggregator is stuck. I've given it a couple of quick kicks but it still doesn't seem to want to budge. Now our major tech team are cranking open their toolboxes ready to go to work, so we will get it fixed one day. Please be patient.

Secondly to say sorry for not being as much in evidence here as I'd like to be. There are a couple of reasons for this. The Madrid bombing was certainly one of them, taking as it did both time and appetite from a 'fun page' like this one. But also I have been more active than evident: in the background. Lot's of people have been contacting us all over the planet to join our community, and to you all I now say welcome. But all of this involves time and energy which detracts from what it is all about really: writing. However before leaving this topic I would just like to say to any more of you who would like to join us: you only have to click the link marked membership at the top right of this page, and fill in the form.

Lastly the interesting news is over on Eamonn's site: it's a series of interviews with Michael Darragh described by Eamonn as "the Australian web designer who is one of the driving forces behind The Living Network community of blogzines" and by me as one the best and most amazing new friends I've made since we started this project. Here's a little excerpt to give you a feel:

I have been online for eight years and have maintained a personal website for three. This time last year I didn't know what a blog was. Now I have been officially blogging for 10 months and many of my friends and family still have no idea what it all means. (Let's face it: the word blog is pretty ugly and unappealing). Those that do know what blog means have asked me: "Why do you waste so much time doing that?" Or otherwise dismiss it as a meaningless and ultra geeky pastime.

This is where Living on the Planet fits in. We aim to promote blogs, bloggers and blogging in a familiar, reliable, friendly and accessible format. People can confidently visit our sites and read personal perspectives from people living in a particular part of the world. They have the option to join a discussion, gather research, gain a first-hand insight and, thanks to the aggregator, discover a whole world of blogs that share a similar philosophy. We are by no means the only people doing this. Our difference is that people not profit or notoriety drives us.

Ok, that's a taster, now go over and take a look.

And BTW: have a nice weekend, all of you.


Hey everyone i'm happy that i could find a site that i could really express myself, look am I the only one who thinks that this antifreedom republican machine is trying to extinc freedom in our hemisphere? does anyone think that what they did in Haiti, and what they are trying to do to Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, and all of the Americas is right. They give Aristide a Coup D'etat and use Cnn to do it just like they are trying to do to Chavez. It's like Little Bush and his republican killers do not like any president's in the area that are popular. Why is it in our hemisphere it's only Canada that has some resemblance of freedom of government is it because there skin is lighter than ours? America is light a pile of gold surounded by a garbage dump. If America claims to really want to share it's freedom this country would really be great but time and time again they show you that they want to hoard it for themselves only. If Americans want to know why the world hates them and attacks them they need to inform themselves as to what their government is really doingin the world !!!!

Posted by cap | March 29, 2004 01:02 PM

Um. Please keep your anti-Americanist rant to yourself. No offense. I was born in Bolivia & immigrated to the US. I've had a great experience there. Also, whatever you think of the US, don't bring in Venezuela or Haiti (or others) into it. Neither of those presidents were "popular". It's one thing to argue against US meddling in other nation's domestic affairs (I agree w/ you on that) and another to argue that those presidents are "popular" (as if it'd be right for the US to interfere if they weren't?). And please don't go on that "Americans are stupid" rhetoric. It's neither progressive, nor liberal.

Posted by Miguel Centellas | April 5, 2004 06:08 PM

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