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| by Daniel Bustillos | 08 Jul, 2004 at 10:15 AM | comments (1) | trackback (0)
There's less than 2 weeks for the refendum to take place, I percieve the majority's discomfort with the way it was handled; though, the majority perceives it is a positive thing and probably absentism will be low (traditionally elections ,and all sort of things like that, are like holidays for...
The Bolivian government, through the Minsitry of the Presidency, has launched an interactive website pertaining to all issues of the upcoming gas Referendum, which takes place on July 18. The website and information campaign called "Te Toca A Ti', reflects President Carlos Mesa's journalism and media backgroud.... " more
This Nicaraguan mural-- a gun-toting Reagan on the shoulders of a working woman -- represents how many in Central America will remember the former President.... " more
| by Eduardo Avila | 04 Jun, 2004 at 03:31 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
Two games in the span of one week make it possible for the South American national teams to utilize European-based players. Many return to Europe immediately after Saturday and Sunday's games for pre-season training and to prepare for U.S. tours with their club teams. Early parity has made this process... " more
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Recent Stories
by Henry Schroy | 11 May, 2004 at 10:13 AM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
Chip Thomas in Salvador da Bahia, Carnaval 2004 my friend Chip Thomas, who I met this year in Salvador, is a great photographer and just sent me a CD full of amazing high-quality images he took there... i put a few of them up, sorry I had to reduce...
by Amras | 17 Mar, 2004 at 10:13 AM | comments (1) | trackback (0)
Si se sale por la noche de juerga se corren ciertos riesgos. Riesgos peligrosos. Aquella noche hacía frío, salí con guantes y me arriesgué a perderlos. Perdí un guante, nada menos que el guante de mi mano izquierda. A la mañana siguiente, tenía dos manos y un solo guante. La... " more
by Priya Lal | 01 Apr, 2004 at 05:05 PM | comments (5) | trackback (0)
cabo san francisco is absolutely gorgeous. stunning. unbelievably so. how to describe it? succintly, i shall try. it sits in a little inlet before a small cape protruding into the green ocean, on a most lovely, perfect light-sand beach with warm waves ideal for playing in or walking beside. the...
by Priya Lal | 03 Mar, 2004 at 09:57 AM | comments (13) | trackback (0)
i'm in paradise and life is perfect. pretty much. so. today since i am shunning the newspapers and electing to revel in my travel fantasy-land instead, i can write about what has been making me so happy. first of all: pucon. a description. geographically, pucon is like a mullet: business... " more
by Eduardo Avila | 09 Jun, 2004 at 02:16 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
The Bolivian government, through the Minsitry of the Presidency, has launched an interactive website pertaining to all issues of the upcoming gas Referendum, which takes place on July 18. The website and information campaign called "Te Toca A Ti', reflects President Carlos Mesa's journalism and media backgroud.... " more
by Eduardo Avila | 31 May, 2004 at 10:03 PM | comments (2) | trackback (0)
The Road to the World Cup Germany 2006 continues with games on Tuesday, June 1 and Wednesday, June 2. After the last game on Wednesday, the qualifying process will be one-third of the way through to determine which teams will represent the CONMEBOL (Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol) in the World... " more
by David Holiday | 06 Jun, 2004 at 11:11 AM | comments (4) | trackback (0)
This Nicaraguan mural-- a gun-toting Reagan on the shoulders of a working woman -- represents how many in Central America will remember the former President.... " more
by Eduardo Avila | 27 May, 2004 at 10:28 PM | comments (23) | trackback (0)
What is the biggest misconception about your country (Bolivia)? Faced with that question during an official interview, where a candidate’s personality is supposed to shine through, Gabriela Oviedo, Bolivia’s representative to the Miss Universe pageant replied:... " more

by Michael Darragh | 11 Mar, 2004 at 12:27 AM | comments (2) | trackback (0)
Have you noticed the new photos on Living in Latin America? They have been vert kindly contributed by Eddie Avila and they certainly add new colour and life to these pages!
by Michael Darragh | 20 Dec, 2003 at 08:35 PM | comments (41) | trackback (0)
This site is new and under construction. Please be patient....

by Miguel Centellas | 05 May, 2004 at 01:41 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
A selection of the pictures I took during a Fulbrighter's convention in Peru Click on any image for larger view. The week's story is here.... " more
by Priya Lal | 16 Mar, 2004 at 02:34 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
on potosi's coat of arms, in the late sixteenth century, appeared the following: "I am rich Potosi, Treasure of the world. The king of all mountains, And the envy of all kings."
" Deje sus pertenencias arriba de la mesa... Korochi Industrias
" Deje sus pertenencias arriba de la mesa... Korochi Industrias
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" Un Nobel ahí Korochi Industrias
" The Athens of the Americas Ciao!
" Una alternativa a la gasolina. Blog de mi Guatemala
" El Sentido de la Vida Cartas Desde Mi IP
" La muerte de Diógenes Blog de mi Guatemala
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This Nicaraguan mural-- a gun-toting Reagan on the shoulders of a working woman -- represents how many in Central America will remember the former President.... " continue reading Reagan, desde América Latina by David Holiday
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" Jock Blogging | blogging
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" A Wet Market in Singapore | photos
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" Basa Basi | nomads
" Independence Day ... Senegal | national days
" Woman of Mountain and Water | nomads
" Independence Day ... Bangladesh | national days
" Independence Day ... Greece | national days
" Typepad, blocked in China | blogging