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mi ciudad
mi ciudad | by Miguel Centellas | May 27, 2004 at 04:06 PM | comments (3) | trackback (0)
Transportation in La Paz is quite varied. There are taxis, radio taxis, trufis, minibuses, and micros. Taxis & radio taxis will take you where you want. The only difference is you can call radio taxis to a specific place by phone (hence, radio) and are marked by a plastic banner... " more
mi ciudad | by Amras | February 09, 2004 at 07:03 AM | comments (2) | trackback (0)
Monstruo de mil cabezas ¿Hacia dónde apuntan tus ojos? Sino al quimérico horizonte Que aplasta tu sombra De vil mastodonte... " more
mi ciudad | by Scott Barnard | January 30, 2004 at 12:56 PM | comments (31) | trackback (1)
I have never been to Haiti. I know little about Haiti except for what I’ve read. The people of Haiti are, in the end, the primary source of a solution to that country’s problems. Those that pontificate from their comfortable, first-world confines about problems in other countries are nothing more... " more
mi ciudad | by Priya Lal | January 29, 2004 at 12:50 PM | comments (26) | trackback (0)
I am sitting in, of all places, at an internet cafe in a rather large and highly american-looking shopping mall on the quasi-suburban outskirts of santiago. my shoulders are as close to sunburned as my skin could ever be, i'm listening to the 80's soft rock being blasted through the... " more
mi ciudad | by Stephen George | January 20, 2004 at 05:24 PM | comments (31) | trackback (0)

In homage to the city I call home on its patron saint's day - Ave, São Sebastião!
Maybe it's the circles I run in. Maybe it's the circles all of us English-language bloggers run in. Certainly it's my workplace firewall. But I never come across real flogs. As in foto-blogs. And it's strange, because they're huge here in Brazil (one comment I saw said that serious photobloggers are far outnumbered by young Brazilians with digicams posting snaps of their parties, their amigos, or their navels (and other miscellaneous body parts).
art and culture | by Stephen George | January 13, 2004 at 05:38 AM | comments (22) | trackback (0)
I thought that page 16 in today's O Globo was a fine slice of daily life here in Rio de Janeiro. Every article moved me in some way. " more
art and culture | by Michael Darragh | December 20, 2003 at 08:35 PM | comments (69) | trackback (0)
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