Unidad Nacional on campaign
bolivia | by Miguel Centellas | 05 Feb, 2004 at 01:42 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)

Several weeks ago, Bolivian business mogul Samuel Doria Medina left MIR (Movement of the Revolutionary Left) & launched his own political party, FUN (Frente de Unidad Nacional). Last week, Doria Medina joined some alteño dirigentes in a march through El Alto. This past week, the party's militantes have been out around town signing people up. I've seen them in front of the post office; yesterday I saw a booth near the UMSA (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés). There's no doubt Doria Medina (the richest man in Bolivia) is making a significant move to boost his political profile. After all, municipal elections are in December.

I was glad to see the party's official posters use the acronym "UN" rather than the somewhat-comical "FUN." However, I'm a little disappointed in the personalization of the party around Doria Medina's image and the use of the extended right hand — seems to be shaping up as another populist, personalist political vehicle (though I could be wrong).

When I asked if the organization had a website, I was giving the URL to Bolivia 7. The site looks (on the surface) like a non-partisan political news & analysis portal. It advertises itself as a "forum" for political discussion — though it's more accurately a "platform" (since readers can't leave comments). Also, the site's posts are written by or about Samuel Doria Medina and presenting his political views, making it clearly a partisan site.

NOTE: I've decided I should probably write up a brief primer on Bolivia's political parties & party system. Someone might find it interesting and/or useful.

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