caribbean | by Randy Paul | 05 Jun, 2004 at 12:59 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
I'm still wondering how the case for freedom in Cuba is helped by incidents like this...
caribbean | by Mike Derham | 23 Feb, 2004 at 06:51 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)
So since I last mentioned it, Haiti has moved further along in what has developed into a serious crisis. The second largest city, Cap-Haitien has fallen into rebel hands. The US has sent a FAST Company to protect the embassy, and that is likely all that we will send. The...
caribbean | by Mike Derham | 09 Feb, 2004 at 10:25 AM | comments (1) | trackback (0)
One of the limitations to my view (and I think the view of lots of others) of Latin America is that I only look at the region through the prisms of English, Portuguese, and Spanish. So I haven't been paying attention to the situation in Haiti. But this Reuters article...
" Inexplicable | Randy Paul
" Haiti crisis watch | Mike Derham
" Haiti on the brink? | Mike Derham
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