Haiti crisis watch
caribbean | by Mike Derham | 23 Feb, 2004 at 06:51 PM | comments (0) | trackback (0)

So since I last mentioned it, Haiti has moved further along in what has developed into a serious crisis. The second largest city, Cap-Haitien has fallen into rebel hands. The US has sent a FAST Company to protect the embassy, and that is likely all that we will send. The French have also debated sending in a multinational force under UN guidance, but, as FM de Villepin put it: "We are unfortunately not yet at this stage."

I can't pretend to hold deep insight into the situation, but thought it worth pointing out Haiti Pundit (seen via Daniel Drezner and Tyler Cowen), an Haitian ex-pat here in the US. Additionally, our own Randy Paul has been blogging away on it, as well.

My only question is, if Aristide goes, who replaces him? Two "candidates" appear to be Guy Philippe and Buteur Metayer. both gang leaders. The latter has taken to calling himself president of "liberated" Haiti.

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