Electoral Board rejects opposition petition, OAS disagrees
venezuela | by Miguel Octavio | 03 Mar, 2004 at 07:10 AM | comments (0) | trackback (0)

The Venezuelan Comision Nacional Electoral announced yesterday that more than 1.5 million signatures had been rejected and the opposition had not collected the required 2.4 million signatures to hold a recall against President Hugo Chavez. Some 1.1 million citizens that signed may be able to "repair" their signature by confirming they did sign the petition in a process that will begin in two weeks. Both the OAS and the Carter Center said that they disagreed with the placemnet under observation of more than 850,000 signatures which had the data written in by the people at the poll booth. The OAS and the Carter said the process had many controls and observers saw when this type of forms were made, saying it was unfair to those signing to disqualify them. This unusually undiplomatic statements confirms that the opposition did gather the required signatures but execessive technicalities have, for now, stopped a recall referendum against President Chavez.

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